The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -Contents-
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Contents July, 1999
- TARO Feature Articles
- Traffic Accident Reconstruction Related WWW Sites
These are off-site resources
- Renfroe Engineering
Technical Papers David A. Renfroe and his firm, Renfroe Engineering, is a significant source
of vehicle dynamics, off road vehicle, and occupant restraint research and publishing. The Renfroe
website offers several related techinical papers.
- AutoWare
AutoWare is a small software development company that produces racecar applications.
Their web site contains some simple and short articles that should be of interest
to the reconstuctionists. Among them are the following topics:
Human Error in Road Accidents: An Information Processing Analysis
This article provides a brief overview of human information processing
limitations and explains how they can contribute to road accidents. This is a
"first-principles" approach to accident investigation because it draws on knowledge of
basic human psychological processes. Instead of looking at the driver from the outside,
we try to understand his/her mental processing and how it interacts with the
environment. Marc Green, Ph.D. John W. Senders, Ph. D
Update from the editor 07/01/99
- Do you have an opinion you would like to express? This space is
available for guest editorials.
What's New?
There is a new
Approach Angles Problem. This problem involves a collision between a car and bus.
There is still no announced solution to the Approach Angle
Two Green Lights.
- The contents of previous issues of TARO have been passed to Reference
Archive Editorials
Publication and Reading Guidelines
If you are a newcomer to the WWW Click Here. If you are a
frequent TARO reader, you will probably want to change your Bookmark to load this Contents
Page instead of the Home Page. The Home Page is the TARO introduction and
will not change. All changes and new articles will be linked from this page.
Minimum hardware requirements are a generic PC, a 14.4 modem and 256 color SVGA monitor.
Slower modems are welcome but will suffer long waits for the downloading of pages and
graphics. Graphics files larger than 30 Kb will have a pick option. The size of the file will be
labeled so you have some idea of how long the download will take. Pages will perform best with
your browser's window maximized.
TARO makes no apology for the lack of pretty pictures, movies or sounds. This is a technical
journal. Loading graphics takes time. On the other hand, if a movie or sound would assist in the
understanding of an idea, they will be gladly included. Where possible, all pages are written in
HTML 2.0. This approach was chosen to accommodate as many web browsers as possible.
Submission Policy
The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin is actively seeking articles for publication.
Any non copyrighted article, previously published or not, is welcomed. The article must be
submitted by the original author(s). All text should be spell checked, proofed and submitted by
E-mail or on a 3.5 inch disk. Illustrations should be of original quality and at least 3.5 x 5 inches
in size.
Submissions should fit in one of the following categories.
- Articles that detail new research, tests, or ideas that relate to
traffic accident reconstruction .
- Articles that detail accepted traffic accident reconstruction
topics or techniques.
- Articles that have historic value.
- Articles that offer a new, or different perspective on a traffic
accident reconstruction topic.
Be sure you have read and agree with the Publication Information listed below. Submissions,
including artwork, will remain on file. If in doubt about whether or not your article is appropriate
E-mail a copy of the Abstract to feedback. Or you can
send a copy of the article through the mail.
Mailed submissions should be addressed to:
TARO Submissions
PO Box 6200
Lake Worth, FL
- On line access to all of the information published in TARO is offered free of charge.
- Listings in the E-mail Phone Book are free of charge.
- There is no charge for a listing in the Organization Directory.
- Advertising in TARO Classified is a free service to the TAR community.
- Commercial advertising rates are available on the Commercial
Advertising Page.
- There are two ways to advertise your personal Traffic Accident
Reconstruction practice. Rates depend on the Advertising Plan You
TARO Copyright and Publication Information
- The TARO logo and TARO pages are Copyrighted © 1995-1997.
- Permission is granted to copy, print, or locally store any TARO page or article for personal
reference use.
- Permission is granted to print, reproduce and distribute on paper any
TARO page or article for instructional use.
- Electronic republishing or reposting of any TARO page, advertisement, or article is
expressly forbidden without the consent of the respective author.
- Permission is granted to electronically republish, or repost a small part of any TARO page,
or any article for critical context, or references citations. Credit to the author must be given.
- TARO Contents are updated on quarterly basis.
- TARO is served by a full T1
connection at Florida Internet, an
Internet provider in West Palm Beach Fla.
- This web site is under constant improvement. The last version date is the date that appears
in the column Update From the Editor on this page.
- Report any difficulties, questions, or suggestions with Feedback.
- Mailing Address:
PO Box 6200
Lake Worth, FL
- The TARO phone number is 561 965 1235.
The best time for phone calls is Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to
12:30 P.M. EST
The TARO logo (106 Kb gif) created by Sherri
Von Hartman
The TARO logo and TARO pages are Copyrighted by © 1995-1997. All
rights reserved.
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